Highest Value Target for Men’s Fashion? Women, Of Course.

In our recent study of white collar workers across North America, we identified shifts in men’s business, casual and footwear buying among both genders. Interestingly, the economy has not impacted the sexes equally. For example, while the percentage of men spending over $500 on business clothing has been cut by two-thirds, the percentage of women spending that amount (for their significant other presumably) has increased six-fold.

Conversely, when buying men’s footwear, it was the men who increased their spending this year, vs. last, increasing nearly 40% points in the $100-$500 spending range, while decreasing 42% in the under $100 spending category.

Overall, there is an incredible opportunity among men’s fashion marketers who target professionals regardless of gender:

  • High-end business fashion may need to begin to balance their messaging among both sexes
  • Marketers may want to emphasize footwear in their messaging to draw-in reluctant men

At Captivate, where over 50% of the network is made up of women, 83% is 25-54, and nearly 100% are gainfully employed, fashion marketers receive the balance needed in any economy.

Download the report here.