Vaccine Willingness High Among White-Collar Workers
Many would feel safer with a vaccine mandate at their job

A majority of business professionals will likely take the COVID-19 vaccine, and many would feel safer coming to work if it was mandated by their employer, a new survey found.
In total, 70% of professionals said they plan to take the COVID-19 vaccine when it is widely available to the public, according to an Office Pulse survey of 199 white-collar workers across the US and Canada. More interestingly, wealthier workers, those with a household income of over $100,000, were much more likely to get vaccinated (78%) than those with a household income less than $100,000 (59%).
Workers who plan to take the COVID vaccine when it’s widely available, by demo:
United States
As more people get vaccinated, health and safety concerns around the pandemic decrease. While many aren’t sure if their company would mandate the vaccines, doing so could make employees feel secure. Nearly half (44%) of workers said they’d feel safer coming to work if their employer mandated getting COVID-19 vaccines for employees.
Again, those making more money ($100K+) were more likely to feel safer coming to work if their employer mandated vaccines (53%) than those earning a household income less than $100K (38%).
How would you feel if your employer mandated COVID-19 vaccines for employees?
Other insights include:
69% of workers said their employer hasn’t yet discussed whether they’d mandate the vaccine at their company
5% said their company has already implemented a vaccine mandate
18% of professionals earning a household income less than $100K indicated they would look for a new job that didn’t mandate a vaccine if necessary
The US recently announced that it will soon release more vaccines for people to take, instead of holding some back for a second shot. That could mean more people have the opportunity to get vaccinated sooner. “Widely available” may be approaching faster than some had expected, and with that, a return to normalcy is on the horizon.
About Office Pulse
Office Pulse by Captivate offers marketers timely analysis and insights from a proprietary panel of upscale professionals in the top markets. The Office Pulse panel of more than 8,000 influential consumers and business decision makers includes C-level executives, Millennials, middle management, small business owners, working women and working moms.
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