Offices Are Going Green – Gradually
Many workers say they’re making eco-friendly choices…but incentives never hurt

The last few years have seen a “green” wave that’s been rolling for decades swell to a peak. As nations pledge to reduce their carbon emissions, cities move toward more sustainable transport and eateries ditch disposable straws, it’s hardly a surprise that workplaces are following suit.
A new Office Pulse Survey found that 59% of 538 professionals in the US and Canada say their offices have made environmentally friendly changes in the last 3 years. This is far more common in larger offices – that number jumps to 70% for offices of over 250.
But while over half (54%) of respondents say their workplaces consider themselves “green,” not all employees would agree. Just 40% of workers consider their companies to be environmentally friendly.
It’s Not Easy Being Green
Since sustainability can touch every part of a company’s operations, from its investments to the maintenance of its offices, few places manage to tick every box – though many are trying. Some of the most common sustainable choices workers reported included offering recycling bins, shutting off lights or electronics when not in use and even going entirely digital.
Despite those moves, workers had other suggestions. Some of the most common sustainable changes workers said they’d like to see at their offices included using green cleaning products (24%), switching to recycled materials (24%) and cutting out disposable dishware (21%).
The most in-demand offering, though, was incentives (34%) – something just 7% of people say their offices currently offer. Public transit reimbursement, contests and work from home programs were the most highly sought-after initiatives.
What kind of “green” incentives do you wish your office offered?
Beyond making a difference to current employees, a workplace’s green moves could help entice new candidates. Almost one-third (32%) of professionals say a company’s sustainability efforts would be a factor in their job search. This is highest among senior managers (53%), media professionals (43%) and men (40%).
Putting the “I” in Environment
As companies press on with their environmental changes, individual workers have their own choices to make. Sustainability is a consideration for many, with 74% of Canadians and 63% of Americans saying “I genuinely think it’s necessary to be green” best matches their own sentiment.
What best describes your sentiment about going green?
The coffeemaker, that bastion of conversation and a way to refuel throughout the day, can also be a hub for waste. The most common type reported in offices was one that used disposable pouches or pods of coffee (45%), a model which accounts for millions of discarded pods worldwide per year. Drip or filter machines largely made up the rest, with 35%.
When it comes to a greener cup o’ joe, the cup is also important. While many coffee companies have pressed pause on the use of reusable mugs during the COVID-19 pandemic, before that, almost half (46%) of North American workers said they used an average of 0 disposable cups per workweek, with Canadians (60%) leading the charge.
On average, how many disposable cups do you use per workweek?
It makes sense, then, that over three-quarters (78%) of workers either keep or bring reusable dishware, like mugs, cups and plates, to the office. This is most common among media professionals (89%), women (82%) and Millennials (81%).
If the stainless steel straw you got for the holidays has been sitting unused in a drawer, you might be in the minority: Of those who keep reusable items around, 98% say they actually use them.
Employees in media/marketing are those most likely to use disposable cups: 28% say they use 6-10 per workweek, and 24% use 3-5
Women (75%) were more likely than men (55%) to say they genuinely think it’s necessary to go green
40% of Canadians said their offices compost, compared to just 12% of Americans
45% of Canadians said their offices have gone digital, compared with 29% of Americans
Whether your office has a lone recycling bin or a whole host of sustainability initiatives, it’s safe to say that the years to come will bring many new ways to go “green.” And if workplaces are able to meet their employees’ desire for incentives, even the reluctant might find themselves reaching for a reusable mug.
Editors’ Note: This survey was conceived before the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic in North America and responses were collected from March 19-27, 2020.
About Office Pulse
Office Pulse by Captivate offers marketers timely analysis and insights from a proprietary panel of upscale professionals in the top markets. The Office Pulse panel of more than 8,000 influential consumers and business decision makers includes C-level executives, Millennials, middle management, small business owners, working women and working moms.
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Known for its vast network of nearly 12,000 elevator displays located in 1,600 premier office buildings across North America, Captivate connects advertisers with 13 million unique monthly viewers through creative, research-driven and Nielsen-measured advertising and marketing programs. By engaging its viewers with timely news and actionable information that helps balance the personal and professional demands of the workday, Captivate provides advertisers with a highly desirable and difficult-to-reach audience of affluent and influential business professionals. Founded in 1997, Captivate is owned by Generation Partners. For more information, please visit