Most Have a Cubicle Confidante

Do you have a colleague who’s your “go-to” friend at the office? Someone you can gossip with, confide in and even grab a drink with after work? If so, then you have a work spouse – and you’re not alone.
A whopping 69% of business professionals said they “currently have” or “have had” a work spouse, according to an Office Pulse study of 746 white-collar workers across the US and Canada.
Do you have a workspouse?
While being work-wed seemed popular across demographics, the concept of having close-knit friendship at the office is one that younger generations seemed to invest more in. In fact, 79% of Millennial workers said they “currently have” or “have had” a work spouse. That number dropped to 61% when looking at Gen Xers and to 51% for Baby Boomers.
Senior Executive or Higher
Junior Manager – Senior Manager
Blurred Lines
Separate from having a work spouse – which is truly a platonic partnership – a large number of business professionals have been romantically involved with a coworker. In fact, nearly half (42%) of workers said they’ve dated a coworker.
I have dated a coworker:
Gen Xer
Baby Boomer
It may be time to brush up on that HR manual. While the cubicle courtship may be something you’re personally okay with, your company may not be. A separate study found almost half of employees don’t know their company’s policy regarding office romances.
About Office Pulse
Office Pulse by Captivate offers marketers timely analysis and insights from a proprietary panel of upscale professionals in the top markets. The Office Pulse panel of more than 8,000 influential consumers and business decision makers includes C-level executives, Millennials, middle management, small business owners, working women and working moms.
About Captivate
Known for its vast network of nearly 12,000 elevator displays located in 1,600 premier office buildings across North America, Captivate connects advertisers with 13 million unique monthly viewers through creative, research-driven and Nielsen-measured advertising and marketing programs. By engaging its viewers with timely news and actionable information that helps balance the personal and professional demands of the workday, Captivate provides advertisers with a highly desirable and difficult-to-reach audience of affluent and influential business professionals. Founded in 1997, Captivate is owned by Generation Partners. For more information, please visit