Super Bowl Hype Heats Up Around the Office

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While many may not be avid football fans, the game will be hyped around the office in the days leading up to Super Bowl Sunday. 38% of white-collar workers said they’ll take part in Super Bowl squares or some sort of office pool with their colleagues. That number jumps to 44% among Gen Xers – the age group most willing to gamble on the game around the office – and 47% for male business professionals.
Some believe that the Monday after the Super Bowl should be a national holiday. In fact, Ohio Governor and one-time Republican presidential hopeful John Kasich said last year that the day following the Super Bowl should be a work-free holiday.
Heinz even went as far as to create a petition this year to make the Monday after the Super Bowl a holiday. This year, more than a quarter (26%) of business professionals agreed with that statement.
The day after the Super Bowl may not be a holiday yet, but some, specifically male workers, will find a way to get by. 12% of male business professionals have already taken the Monday after the game off from work. An additional 5% of men will show up late; 1% plan to call out sick.
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Compared to last year’s Super Bowl between the Denver Broncos and Carolina Panthers, fewer professionals overall seem to be taking off work the day after the Super Bowl. This year, just 6% said they’ll take the day off from work and 4% plan on being late. Comparatively, in 2016, 11% said they planned to ‘call out sick’ and an additional 11% said they planned to show up late to work.
When it comes to post-game discussion at the office the next day, a majority won’t actually discuss on-field play and game strategy. 46% of business professionals said they’re most likely to talk about commercials and 16% are most likely to talk about the halftime show. Just 38% will discuss the actual game at work.
Out of all professional sports, football season is the most watched and talked about among white-collar workers. A September 2016 Office Pulse study found that 27% of professionals said they watch the NFL, while 34% said they are most likely to discuss the NFL at the water cooler.
Super Bowl LI will be played Sunday February 5 at NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas. It airs at 6:30 pm EST on Fox.
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Office Pulse by Captivate offers marketers timely analysis and insights from a proprietary panel of upscale professionals in the top markets. The Office Pulse panel of more than 8,000 influential consumers and business decision makers includes C-level executives, Millennials, middle management, small business owners, working women and working moms.
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